Saturday, September 16, 2006

Savage Chickens: Pirates For Life Cartoon

Savage Chickens: Pirates For Life Cartoon

Here be a whole weeks worth o chicken pirate cartoons for Internationable lets talk like a pirate day

Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day

yes even jeeves is getting in on the lets talk like a pirate day act

yes its let's talk like a pirate day again! and even Jeeves is in on the let's talk like a pirate day shabang.

since it's invention many moons ago by two american journalist it's grown from lets talk like a pirate day to international lets talk like a pirate day

Vegan Pirates have started up a forum to enable people to talk like a pirate on the 19th September.

Second food revolution needed to feed the world

Second food revolution needed to feed the world

The FAO has called for a second Green Revolution to feed the world's growing population while preserving natural resources.

Addressing a meeting of the World Affairs Council of Northern California in San Francisco, FAO director-General Jacques Diouf said that a major international effort was needed to feed the world when the population soars from six to nine billion.
"The new Green Revolution will be less about introducing new, high-performance varieties of wheat or rice, important as they are, and much more about making wiser and more efficient use of the natural resources available to us," he said.

Diouf added that the original Green Revolution of the Fifties and Sixties doubled world food production by bringing the power of science to agriculture, but relied on the lavish use of inputs such as water, fertilizer and pesticides.

Vegan Pirates say "It doesn't matter how much food you grow if you are going to waste it all and feed it all to animals to produce beef and dairy products wasting water, land and causing pollution then there will never be enough. We need to focus on high quality superfoods from plants such as soya, hemp , pea, quinoa, buckwheat, seaweeds and micro algae and eat foods first hand not second hand"